Monday, January 14, 2013

Searching "Algorithm Crafter"

I came up with this. In fact, *all* searches with this string were me. In fact, I'm still the top search hit (the top 7 are related to me). I wanted a moniker that distinguished me from others and make me easily findable should I give someone the phrase.

And now I find out some yahoo out there has "adopted" my description string. You, sir, are unoriginal.

Friday, January 11, 2013

My other blog.

Due to various reasons, I opened this blog. However, I have another blog over at and it is mostly text, believe it or not. It's mostly tech stuff at this point, but it's one of my interests. I am an engineer, after all. :)

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

What's an educational site you're really excited about?

I am in *love* with Khan Academy.

I signed up for the initial offering of Stanford's online Artificial Intelligence class. As prep, they recommended refreshing statistics knowledge and pointed to Khan Academy.

The man (Sal Khan) is awesome. His voice is awesome. His delivery is awesome. He breaks down concepts into little chunks that one can digest while watching the video on a treadmill.

The site has badges for various items including watching videos and taking quizes. The badges are addictive because they are so easily obtained.

So there's (one of) my plug(s) for Khan Academy.

So what is a power of 2 - 1?

There are certain numbers which are powers of 2 minus 1 and also prime. Not all of the powers of 2 minus 1 are primes. However, the ones that are are known as Mersenne Primes.

What is Ring Theory? You can take a whole math class to find out about that. :D

All the good names are taken is taken. is taken. is taken!

But is not!